Friday 1 November 2013, 3-6.30 pm: Summer Common Room, Magdalen College, Oxford15.00:— Dra Georgina Olivetto (Universidad de Buenos Aires-SECRIT / Universidad de Salamanca), Alfonso de Cartagena en el Concilio de Basilea: los sermones latinos15.40.— Dr Barry Taylor (The British Library), Reflections on the Textual Transmission of the «Libro de los buenos proverbios»16.20.— Dr Juan Carlos Bayo (Universidad Complutense, Madrid), The Constitution of the Text of the «Historia de Jacob Xalabin»17.45.— Launch of the book Text, Manuscript, and Print in Medieval and Modern Iberia: Studies in Honour of David Hook, edited by Barry Taylor, Geoffrey West, and Jane Whetnall (New York: HSMS, 2013). A reception will follow.Dr Juan-Carlos CondeFaculty Lecturer in Medieval Spanish Literature and LanguageMedieval and Modern Languages FacultySub-Faculty of SpanishUniversity of Oxfordjuan-carlos.conde [a]
Colloquium on Spanish Manuscripts, Texts, and History of the Book
Magdalen Iberian Medieval Studies Seminar (MIMSS)
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Reino Unido
Fecha de inicio:
Viernes, 1 noviembre, 2013
Fecha de finalización:
Viernes, 1 noviembre, 2013
Dirección postal completa:
Magdalen College
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