Universität Leipzig; CLARIN-D; Electronic Textual Cultures Lab der University of Victoria; Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst (DAAD)
The Summer School is directed at 60 participants from all over Europe and beyond. The Summer School wants to bring together (doctoral) students, young scholars and academics from the Arts and Humanities, Library Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering and Computer Sciences as equal partners to an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experience in a multilingual and multicultural context and thus create the conditions for future project-based cooperations and network-building across the borders of disciplines, countries and cultures.
Profa. Dra. Elisabeth Burr
The Summer School takes place across 11 whole days. The intensive programme consists of workshops, public lectures, regular project presentations, a poster session and a panel discussion. The workshop programme is composed of the following thematic strands:
- XML-TEI encoding, structuring and rendering
- Query in Text Corpora
- Comparing Corpora
- Historical Text Corpora for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Digitization, Annotation, Quality Assurance and Analysis
- Open Greek and Latin
- Advanced Topics in Humanities Programming with Python
- Stylometry: Computer-Assisted Analysis of Literary Texts
- Editing in the Digital Age: Historical Texts and Documents
- Space - Time - Object: Digital methods in Archaeology
- Spoken Language
- Multimodal Corpora: How to build and how to understand them
- Large Project Planning and Management
- DH for Department Chairs and Deans
Each workshop consists of a total of 16 sessions or 32 week-hours. The number of participants in each workshop is limited to 10.
Lectures will focus among others on digital art history and underresourced languages.
null null Del 22 de julio al 1 de agosto de 2014