Formerly International PhD School in Formal Languages and Applications (FSFLA) 2012 offers a broad and intensive series of lectures at different levels on selected topics in language and automata theory and their applications. The students choose their preferred courses according to their interests and background. Instructors are top names in their respective fields. The School intends to help students initiate and foster their research career.
Graduate (and advanced undergraduate) students from around the world. Most appropriate degrees include: Computer Science and Mathematics. Other students (for instance, from Linguistics, Electrical Engineering, Molecular Biology or Logic) are welcome too provided they have a good background in discrete mathematics.
The School is appropriate also for people more advanced in their career who want to keep themselves updated on developments in the field.
There is no overlap in the class schedule.
Courses and professors:
-Eric Allender (Rutgers), Circuit Complexity: Recent Progress in Lower Bounds [introductory/advanced, 8 hours]
-Amihood Amir (Bar-Ilan), Periodicity and Approximate Periodicity in Pattern Matching [introductory, 6 hours]
-Ahmed Bouajjani (Paris 7), Automated Verification of Concurrent Boolean Programs [introductory/advanced, 8 hours]
-Bruno Courcelle (Bordeaux), Automata for Monadic Second-order Model Checking [intermediate, 8 hours]
-Jörg Flum (Freiburg), The Halting Problem for Turing Machines [introductory/advanced, 6 hours]
-Aart Middeldorp (Innsbruck), Termination of Rewrite Systems [introductory/intermediate, 8 hours]
Registration: []
Lilica Voicu (
FSFLA 2012
Research Group on Mathematical Linguistics (GRLMC)
Rovira i Virgili University
Av. Catalunya, 35
43002 Tarragona, Spain
Lilica Voicu Del 29 de octubre al 2 de noviembre de 2012