Laura Domínguez

Categoría profesional: 
Hispanista Emérito: 
Materias de especialidad: 
Universidad/Centro de investigación: 
University of Southampton
School of Modern Languages, Centre for Applied Language Research, University of Southampton [ver información del centro]
Página de internet personal: 
Trabajos publicados: 
Mitchell, R., Domínguez, L., Arche, M. J., Myles, F., and Marsden, E. Submitted. SPLLOC: A new corpus for Spanish second language acquisition research. Eurosla Yearbook, 2008.

Domínguez, L. and Arche, M. J., "Optionality in L2 grammars: the acquisition of SV/VS contrast in Spanish", In BUCLD 32: Proceedings of the 32nd annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville: Cascadilla Press, 2008.

Domínguez, L., Review of Tanya Reinhart's "Interface Strategies: optimal and costly computations". Journal of Linguistics, 44, 1 (2008).

Domínguez, L., "The L2 Acquisition of Spanish focus: a Case of Incomplete and Divergent Grammars", In Baauw, S., van Kampen J., and Pinto, M. The Acquisition of Romance Languages. Selected Papers from The Romance Turn II, Utrecht: LOT, 2007, pp. 45-57. (LOT Occasional Series 8)

Domínguez, L., "Knowledge of features in fossilized second language grammars". Second Language Research 23, 2 (2007), pp. 243-260.

Domínguez, L., "La adquisición de pronombres átonos en español", en Amengual, M., Juan, M. y Salazar, J. (eds.) Adquisición y enseñanza de lenguas en contextos plurilingües. Ensayos y propuestas aplicadas. Palma: Servei de Publicacions i Intercanvi Científic. Universitat de les Illes Balears, 2006, pp. 67-76.

Domínguez, L. "Effects of Phonological Cues on the Syntax of Focus constructions in Spanish". In Bok-Bennema, Reineke, Bart Hollebrandse, Brigitte Kampers-Manhe and Petra Sleeman (eds.) Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2004.

Domínguez, L. "Interpreting Reference in the Early Acquisition of Spanish Clitics". In Silvina Montrul and Francisco Ordóñez (Eds.) Linguistic Theory and Language Development in Hispanic Languages. Somerville: Cascadilla Press, 2003.

Domínguez, L. "Analyzing Unambiguous Narrow Focus in Catalan". In Tania Ionin, Heejeong Ko, and Andrew Nevins (Eds.) The Proceedings of the Second HUMIT Conference. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Working Papers in Linguistics 43, 2002.

Domínguez, L. Do, A. H., Domínguez, L., Johansen, A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 25th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville: Cascadilla Press, 2001.
Fuente de información: 
Página electrónica del centro.