German Historical Institute Rome (Professor Martin Baumeister) in collaboration with the Centre for Peace History at the Department of History, University of Sheffield (Professor Benjamin Ziemann)
Tipo de convocatoria: 
Contribuciones (call for papers)
Materias de especialidad: 
Fecha límite de solicitud: 
Viernes, 15 septiembre, 2017
Peace Movements and Democratic Culture in Southern Europe during the 1970s and 1980s
Date and Place: German Historical Institute Rome/Istituto Storico Germanico di Roma, 14-16 February 2018
Organisers: The conference is organised by the German Historical Institute Rome (Professor Martin Baumeister) in collaboration with the Centre for Peace History at the Department of History, University of Sheffield (Professor Benjamin Ziemann).
The conference organisers invite the submission of abstracts for papers that relate to one of the themes which we will discuss in the five panels of the conference:
Panel I: Forging Coalitions: Movements, Parties and Institutional Actors
Which organisational and political resources could peace protesters use? How did socialist peace activists act in those cases in which their party was promoting an agenda for peace and in government at the same time?
Panel II: Practices and Cultures of Participation
 Which semantic forms did peace activists use to connect peace and democracy? How did they aim to legitimise peaceful protest? To what extent were the peace protests gender-biased or gender-blind, and how did they include female activists?
Panel III: The Spatial Politics of Peace Movements
How did peace movement activists translate the global danger of nuclear annihilation into the living spaces of their immediate social environment? To what extent was “peace” conceived of as something that could be best achieved in a specific locality?
Panel IV: The Transnational Circulation of Ideas, Actors and Practices
What was the relevance of direct contacts between Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Greek movement activists? What was the interplay between a shared European vision of peace and patterns of national identity in the three respective countries? 
Panel V: Framing Peace: Symbols, Rituals and Narratives
Peace movement mobilization is based on complex and often fragile processes of framing, i.e. the articulation of shared motivations for activism. The papers in this panel investigate how a diverse coalition of actors developed shared symbols, narratives and visions of peace.
The conference will be opened with a keynote lecture by Professor Federico Romero (European University Institute Florence). The conference proceedings will be held in English. In each panel, a commentator will point out conceptual implications and connections between the papers. Selected papers from the conference will be subsequently published in a special issue of the Journal of Contemporary History, subject to the peer-review procedures of this journal. 
The conference has received funding from the Max Batley Legacy and from the Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung (DSF, German Foundation for Peace Research). The organisers aim to cover travel costs and accommodation for all speakers. A decision will be made upon acceptance of your paper.  
Please submit a single English-language PDF-document with the title of your proposed paper, an abstract of no more than 300 words and a one-page CV, including your current position or academic affiliation and a list of key publications, by 15 September 2017 to Benjamin Ziemann at
Reino Unido
Dirección postal completa: 
University of Sheffield
Correo electrónico: 
30/06/2017 Convocatorias y empleo