Sarah Leggott

Categoría profesional: 
Head of School, School of Languages and Cultures, School of Languages and Cultures
Hispanista Emérito: 
Universidad/Centro de investigación: 
Victoria University of Wellington
Spanish Programme, Victoria University of Wellington [ver información dle centro].
Nueva Zelanda
Trabajos publicados: 
The Workings of Memory: Life-Writing by Women in Early Twentieth-Century Spain. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2008.

Representing Spain's 20th-Century Trauma in Fiction: Memories of War and Dictatorship in Contemporary Novels by Women, en: Trauma, Media, Art: New Perspectives. Eds. Mick Broderick y Antonio Traverso. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, 2010, págs. 120-131.

Memory, Postmemory, Trauma: The Spanish Civil War in Recent Novels by Women, en: Fulgor, n.º 4.1, 2009, págs. 25-34.

Remembering the Spanish Civil War in Fiction: Dulce Chacón's 'La voz dormida' and Ángeles Caso's 'Un largo silencio', en: The Spanish Civil War: History, Memory, Representation. Ed. Anindya Raychaudhuri. University of Wales Press, 2010.

The Female Intellectual in 1920s Madrid: Writing the Lyceum Club, en: AUMLA, n.º 110, 2008. págs. 95-112.


The Woman Writer in 1920s Spain: Countering the Canon in Concha Méndez's 'Memorias habladas, Memorias armadas', en: Hispanic Journal 26.1-2, 2006, págs. 77-91.

Re-membering self and nation: Memory and life-writing in works by Josefina Aldecoa, en: Confluencia, vol. 19, n.º 2, 2004.

History and Autobiography in Contemporary Spanish Women's Testimonial Writings. Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, EE.UU., 2001.

A Testimony of Female Communist Militancy: Nieves Castro's 'Una vida para un ideal', en: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, vol. 8, n.º 1, 2002.

Testimony, Gender and Ideology in Mercedes Formica's 'Pequena historia de ayer', en: Letras Peninsulares, vol. 12.2-12.3, 1999-2000.

History, autobiography, maternity: Josefina Aldecoa's 'Historia de una maestra' and 'Mujeres de negro', en: Letras Femeninas, vol. XXIV, n.º 1-2, 1998.
Asociaciones a las que pertenece: 
Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia (AILASA)