Cristina Santos

Categoría profesional: 
Associate Professor, Director of M.A. program (SCLA)
Hispanista Emérito: 
Materias de especialidad: 
Universidad/Centro de investigación: 
Brock University
Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Brock University (Centro)
Página de internet personal: 
Trabajos publicados: 
Monstrous Deviations (ed. en colaboración con Adriana Spahr) . Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press (forthcoming).

The Monster Imagined: Humanity's Re-Creation of Monsters and Monstrosity (ed. en colaboración con Laura Davis). Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, (forthcoming).

Morell, Arturo. De poli a diva... y de regreso / From Cop to Diva... and Back . Bilingual edition. Trans. Cristina Santos. Mexico City: Godot Intercultural, 2007.

'Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned': Refigurations of the Legend of La Llorona, en: Estudos sobre Cultura Popular: Homenagem ao Professor Doctor José Almeida Pavão . Ed. Gabriela Funk. Ponta Delgada: Câmara Municipal de Ponta Delgada, 2006, págs. 241-57.

Defiant Deviance: The Irreality of Reality in the Cultural Imaginary (ed. en colaboración con Adriana Spahr). New York: Peter Lang, 2006.

The Monstrous Representation of Women in the Mexican Cultural Imaginary, en: Images and Imagery: Borders, Frames, Limits. Interdisciplinary Perspectives . Ed. Leslie Boldt-Irons, Corrado Federici and Ernesto Virgulti. New York: Peter Lang, 2005, págs. 185-96.

Bending the Rules: The Quest for an Authentic Feminine Identity in the Narrative of Clarice Lispector and Carmen Boullosa. New York: Peter Lang, 2004.

Defiant Deviance: The Irreality of Reality in the Cultural Imaginary (ed. en colaboración con Adriana Spahr). New York: Peter Lang, 2005.

Clarice Lispector's A Hora da Estrela: Through the Lens of Suzana Amaral, en: Latin American Narratives and Cultural Identity: Selected Readings . Ed. Irene Blayer and Mark Cronlund Anderson. New York: Peter Lang, 2004, págs. 163-79.