Richard Hitchcock

Categoría profesional: 
Professor Emeritus
Hispanista Emérito: 
Universidad/Centro de investigación: 
University of Exeter
Institut of Arab and Islamc Studies, University of Exeter
Reino Unido
Trabajos publicados: 

New introduction to J. A. Conde, The Dominion of the Arabs in Spain. A History, Translated by Mrs. Jonathan Foster (1854), 3 vols, London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 2009, Vol. I.

Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain. Identities and Influences, Aldershot: Ashgate, 2008, 151.

Gayangos in the English Context, en: Pascual de Gayangos. A Nineteenth-Century Spanish Arabist, Cristina Álvarez Millán y Claudia Heide (eds.), Edinburgh: University Press, 2008, págs. 89-105.

Christian-Muslim Understanding(s) in Medieval Spain, en: Hispanic Research Journal, vol. 9, n.º 4, 2008, págs. 314-325.

The first version of the above was delivered as the R. B. Tate Lecture at the University of Nottingham, 21 February, 2007.


The 'Romance' kharjas in Retrospect, en: Muwashshah! International Conference on Arabic and Hebrew Strophic Poetry and its Romance Parallels, School of Oriental & African Studies [SOAS], London, 2004. Ed. Emery, London: School of Oriental & African Studies, 2006, págs. 165-172.

A Manuscript Chronicle form the Bibliotheca Phillippica, en: Manuscripts, Texts, and Transmission form Isidore to the Enlightenment, David Hook (ed.), Bristol: HiPLAM, 2006, págs. 1-10.

Spanish Literature, en: The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English, vol. 3, 1660-1790, Stuart Gillespie y David Hopkins (eds.), Oxford; University Press, 2005, págs. 406-415.

Mozarabs and Moriscos: Two Marginalized Communities in Sixteenth-Century Toledo, en: Historicist Essays on Hispano-Medieval Narrative, In Memoriam Roger M.Walker, Barry Taylor y Geoffrey West (eds.), London: Maney Publishing for the Modern Humanities Research Association, 2005, págs. 171-184.

¿Traducir o interpretar? Un comentario sobre algunas traducciones del Quijote al inglés en los siglos XVII y XVIII, en: Boletín de la Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo, Año LXXXI, 2005, págs. 206-225.


Asociaciones a las que pertenece: 

- Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (AHGBI)