Begoña Rodríguez de Céspedes
Rodríguez de Céspedes
Categoría profesional:
Senior Lecturer
Hispanista Emérito:
School of Languages and Area Studies, University of Portsmouth (Centro)
Reino Unido
Trabajos publicados:
What methods do we use to teach translation skills? Translation: Theory and Practice, Postgraduate Translation Symposium, University of East Anglia, Norwich, 2008.
An eclectic approach to the teaching of translation. The London Metropolitan Anniversary conference: Teaching and Researching in Translator Training and Education, 2008.
Legal Translation Workshop, Ninth Portsmouth Translation Conference, Conference Theme: The translator as writer. University of Portsmouth, 2009.
(2008) Conoce por dentro el Antiguo Egipto [See Inside Ancient Egypt]. London: Usborne Publishing.
(2009) La jungla [Jungle]. London: Usborne Publishing.
An eclectic approach to the teaching of translation. The London Metropolitan Anniversary conference: Teaching and Researching in Translator Training and Education, 2008.
Legal Translation Workshop, Ninth Portsmouth Translation Conference, Conference Theme: The translator as writer. University of Portsmouth, 2009.
(2008) Conoce por dentro el Antiguo Egipto [See Inside Ancient Egypt]. London: Usborne Publishing.
(2009) La jungla [Jungle]. London: Usborne Publishing.
Asociaciones a las que pertenece:
Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland (Asoc)
Fuente de información: