Susana Castillo Rodríguez
Castillo Rodríguez
Categoría profesional:
Hispanista Emérito:
Universidad/Centro de investigación:
SUNY Geneseo
Languages and Literatures
Estados Unidos
Nueva York
Página de internet personal:
Trabajos publicados:
- Tesis doctoral: Colonizando lenguas: misiones y la política del español en Guinea Ecuatorial. The Graduate Center, CUNY. 2013.
- Castillo-Rodriguez, Susana; Valenciano Mañé, Alba. "Women in Equatorial Guinea." In The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford University Press. Article published [forthcoming February/March]. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.ORE_AFH-00657.R1 (peer reviewed article)
- “El Español en Guinea Ecuatorial. Un análisis desde la lingüística colonial” in Guinea Ecuatorial (des)conocida. Lo que sabemos, ignoramos, inventamos y deformamos acerca de su pasado y su presente. 2 vols. Coords: Juan Aranzadi and Gonzalo Álvarez Chillida. UNED (en prensa)
- “Official press in Equatorial Guinea. Tracing colonial and postcolonial governance in Ébano” En Creating and Opposing Empire: the role of the Colonial Periodical Press. Adelaide Vieira Machado, Isadora de Ataíde Fonseca & Sandra Ataíde Lobo (eds) Routledge Studies in Cultural History. (en prensa)
- “El proyecto con agentes nativos de la misión jamaicana en Fernando Póo: su herencia colonial.” In Éndoxa. Nº 37. June 2016. (peer reviewed article)
- “Exploring glottopolitical dynamics in Africa: the Spanish colonial past and beyond. An introduction” In International Journal of the Sociology of Language. issue 239, 2016. (co-authored with Laura Morghentaler García) (peer reviewed article)
- “The Circulation of Language: Cuban and Afro-Cuban Loanwords in Equatorial Guinea.” In International Journal of the Sociology of Language. Issue 239, 2016. (peer reviewed article)
- “Lengua e hispanización en Guinea Ecuatorial” In Historia política del español. La creación de una lengua. J. del Valle (ed). Madrid: Editorial Aluvión. June 2016. (peer reviewed book chapter)
- “The First Missionary Linguists in Fernando Po: Transliteration and the Quest of Spanishness in an Anglicized Colony” In The Relationship between Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics. Edited by Klaus Zimmermann & Birte Kellermeier-Rehbein. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2015.
-Castillo, S (coord.)Ideologías lingüísticas: práctica y teoría. La Catarata –Unesco Etxea. A translation of Languages Ideologies: Practices and Theory (2012)
- Castillo-Rodriguez, Susana; Valenciano Mañé, Alba. "Women in Equatorial Guinea." In The Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History. Oxford University Press. Article published [forthcoming February/March]. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190277734.013.ORE_AFH-00657.R1 (peer reviewed article)
- “El Español en Guinea Ecuatorial. Un análisis desde la lingüística colonial” in Guinea Ecuatorial (des)conocida. Lo que sabemos, ignoramos, inventamos y deformamos acerca de su pasado y su presente. 2 vols. Coords: Juan Aranzadi and Gonzalo Álvarez Chillida. UNED (en prensa)
- “Official press in Equatorial Guinea. Tracing colonial and postcolonial governance in Ébano” En Creating and Opposing Empire: the role of the Colonial Periodical Press. Adelaide Vieira Machado, Isadora de Ataíde Fonseca & Sandra Ataíde Lobo (eds) Routledge Studies in Cultural History. (en prensa)
- “El proyecto con agentes nativos de la misión jamaicana en Fernando Póo: su herencia colonial.” In Éndoxa. Nº 37. June 2016. (peer reviewed article)
- “Exploring glottopolitical dynamics in Africa: the Spanish colonial past and beyond. An introduction” In International Journal of the Sociology of Language. issue 239, 2016. (co-authored with Laura Morghentaler García) (peer reviewed article)
- “The Circulation of Language: Cuban and Afro-Cuban Loanwords in Equatorial Guinea.” In International Journal of the Sociology of Language. Issue 239, 2016. (peer reviewed article)
- “Lengua e hispanización en Guinea Ecuatorial” In Historia política del español. La creación de una lengua. J. del Valle (ed). Madrid: Editorial Aluvión. June 2016. (peer reviewed book chapter)
- “The First Missionary Linguists in Fernando Po: Transliteration and the Quest of Spanishness in an Anglicized Colony” In The Relationship between Colonialism and Missionary Linguistics. Edited by Klaus Zimmermann & Birte Kellermeier-Rehbein. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2015.
-Castillo, S (coord.)Ideologías lingüísticas: práctica y teoría. La Catarata –Unesco Etxea. A translation of Languages Ideologies: Practices and Theory (2012)
Asociaciones a las que pertenece:
-Centro de Estudios Afro Hispánicos (CEAH), Spain.,68419276&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
-Asociación Española de Africanistas, Spain.
-International Association of Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics, Bremen University, Germany.
-Asociación Española de Africanistas, Spain.
-International Association of Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics, Bremen University, Germany.
Información adicional:
Ponencias en Congresos
Paisaje lingüístico en Guinea Ecuatorial: regulamiento versus estrategias contestatarias to be presented at "Interpreting Africa: Discourses and Counter-discourses in African Literatures, Africa and the African Diaspora" to be held at the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) 26, 27, 28 June 2019.
Ideological Contestation and Language Practices over Linguistic Neoimperialism in Equatorial Guinea. 4º Congresso Latino-americano de Glotopolítica, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). 2-4 September 2019.
Accepted Papers 2018:
Doing socio-ethnographic linguistics in neocolonial urban contexts. (Poster). Susana Castillo Rodríguez and Emily DelSignore. 9th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics at Queens College. 4-6 April 2018.
Selection, codification and diffusion: the Presbyterian Church and the Ndowé language. International Conference. Euro-African Memories: Colonial and Postcolonial Spanish legacies in Morocco and Equatorial Guinea. Institució Milà i Fontanals-CSIC. Barcelona. 14-15 March 2018.
Accepted papers 2017:
Urban Languages as the Outcome of Creativity and Resilience within Migrant Communities to be presented at the African Studies Association. Chicago, IL.16 – 18 November 2017.
Language, Policy and Planning in the newspaper Ebano published in Equatorial Guinea to be presented at International Congress: Politics and Culture in Colonial Periodical Press. Lisbon 22-25 May 2017.
Accepted papers 2016:
The African Dimension of the Hispanophone Culture under the Lens of Colonial Glottopolitics MLA convention in Austin, TX. January 5 -11 2016.
Accepted papers 2015:
Ruptures and Legacies of the Spanish Imperialism: memories of Cuban deportees in Fernando Po. New England Council on Latin American Studies, NECLAS. Tufts University. 2015.
Colonial and Postcolonial Glottopolitics in Equatorial Guinea. African Studies Association. November 19 - 22, 2015 San Diego, California.
Accepted papers 2014:
“Variedades pluricéntricas, estandarización Académica y panhispanismo: el caso de Guinea Ecuatorial a debate”. 7th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics UW-Madison, Wisconsin – 3-5 April, 2014. (paper)
Accepted papers 2013:
Glottopolitics and language ideologies in La Guinea Española, MLA. New Work in Language Theory. 2014 Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois. January 2014.
A brief ethnohistory of the language policy in Equatorial Guinea during the Spanish colonization. International Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics. Bremen, Septe
Paisaje lingüístico en Guinea Ecuatorial: regulamiento versus estrategias contestatarias to be presented at "Interpreting Africa: Discourses and Counter-discourses in African Literatures, Africa and the African Diaspora" to be held at the University of Yaounde I (Cameroon) 26, 27, 28 June 2019.
Ideological Contestation and Language Practices over Linguistic Neoimperialism in Equatorial Guinea. 4º Congresso Latino-americano de Glotopolítica, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). 2-4 September 2019.
Accepted Papers 2018:
Doing socio-ethnographic linguistics in neocolonial urban contexts. (Poster). Susana Castillo Rodríguez and Emily DelSignore. 9th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics at Queens College. 4-6 April 2018.
Selection, codification and diffusion: the Presbyterian Church and the Ndowé language. International Conference. Euro-African Memories: Colonial and Postcolonial Spanish legacies in Morocco and Equatorial Guinea. Institució Milà i Fontanals-CSIC. Barcelona. 14-15 March 2018.
Accepted papers 2017:
Urban Languages as the Outcome of Creativity and Resilience within Migrant Communities to be presented at the African Studies Association. Chicago, IL.16 – 18 November 2017.
Language, Policy and Planning in the newspaper Ebano published in Equatorial Guinea to be presented at International Congress: Politics and Culture in Colonial Periodical Press. Lisbon 22-25 May 2017.
Accepted papers 2016:
The African Dimension of the Hispanophone Culture under the Lens of Colonial Glottopolitics MLA convention in Austin, TX. January 5 -11 2016.
Accepted papers 2015:
Ruptures and Legacies of the Spanish Imperialism: memories of Cuban deportees in Fernando Po. New England Council on Latin American Studies, NECLAS. Tufts University. 2015.
Colonial and Postcolonial Glottopolitics in Equatorial Guinea. African Studies Association. November 19 - 22, 2015 San Diego, California.
Accepted papers 2014:
“Variedades pluricéntricas, estandarización Académica y panhispanismo: el caso de Guinea Ecuatorial a debate”. 7th Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics UW-Madison, Wisconsin – 3-5 April, 2014. (paper)
Accepted papers 2013:
Glottopolitics and language ideologies in La Guinea Española, MLA. New Work in Language Theory. 2014 Modern Language Association Convention, Chicago, Illinois. January 2014.
A brief ethnohistory of the language policy in Equatorial Guinea during the Spanish colonization. International Conference on Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics. Bremen, Septe
Hispanista Histórico: