I Encuentro Internacional de Desarrollo Profesional en ELE

Se puede acceder al programa completo de Enele 2015 desde este enlace: [ http://issuu.com/lceyole/docs/enele2015_programa_completo _formaci/1] Inscripción: [ http://lceseville.com/enele2015-formacion-profesores -ele-sevilla/programa-academico/inscripcion/][Leer más]

Newsletter of the European Centre for Modern Languages of the Council of Europe

How to apply Open project proposals: A team of four experts (plus optional self-funded associate partners) represented by a prospective coordinator puts forward a project proposal based on the rationale and themes of the Call for submissions. The proposal includes details of all team members, indicating their role within the team. Based on the broad themes in the Call document ‘open’ project proposals should develop content and outputs for the[Leer más]