The Fourteenth Triennial Conference of the British Comparative Literature Association

Call for papers: Proposals are invited for papers, in English, of no more than 20 minutes’ duration, on or in relation to the conference’s theme of Salvage. Proposals, in the form of an abstract of 250 words accompanied by a brief ‘bio-note’ of 50 words at most, should be submitted by email to by no later than 30 September 2015.Keywords 1. Retrieval: recuperation, recovery, rediscovery, exhumation, remembering, recollecting,[Leer más]

IV Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University

Topics: Here is a list of the sessions and their organizers for 2016; please contact session organizers for further information. 1.Perspectives on Spanish Chivalry (Damian Smith: ) 2.Courtly Love Romance in Iberia: the Analysis of Sentimental Fiction (Ana M. Montero: ) 3.Celebrating Four Hundred Years of Miguel de Cervantes (Julia Lieberman: ) 4.History and Literature in the Trastamaran Age (Ana[Leer más]