Current Issues in Linguistic Theory, 276. Volume 2, X, 2006. Phonetics, Phonology and Dialectology.
Selected Papers from the 35th Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages(LSRL), Austin, Texas, February 2005.
G. K. Baker: «An acoustic basis for palatal geminate behavior in spanish».
B. E. Bullock & al.: «Mapping the patterns of maintenance versus merger in bilingual phonology: the preservation of [a] vs. [a] in Frenchville french».
E. Clua / M. - R. Lloret: «New tendencies in geographical dialectology: the catalan Corpus oral dialectal (COD)».
S. Colina: «Output-to-output correspondence and the emergence of the unmarked in spanish plural formation».
J. Durand: «Mapping french pronunciation: the PFC project».
C. Gerfen / W. Rizzo: «Phonological variability in the laboratory: word-naming in bidialectal spanish speakers».
C. González: «Constraint re-ranking in three grammars: spirantization and coda devoicing in peninsular spanish».
D. Herrick: «Mid vowels and schwa in eastern catalan: five non-Barcelona dialects».
C. Iscrulescu: «The nominal stress system of romanian (re)revisited».
H. Jacobs: «Proto-romance stress shift revisited».
J. Michnowicz: «Final -m in Yucatan spanish: a rapid and anonymous survey».
F. Ordóñez / L. Repetti: «Stressed enclitics?».
J. C. Smith: «How to do things without junk: the refunctionalization of a pronominal subsystem between latin and romance».