Editorial/Institución editora: 
Johns Hopkins University Press. EEUU
Tipo de publicación: 

Volumen 2, Número 1 (2013)

Table of Contents


-Nadia R. Altschul. Saracens and Race in Roman de la Rose Iconography: The Case of Dangier in MS Douce 195 pp. 1-15

-Farkas Gábor Kiss, Eyal Poleg, Lucie Doležalová, Rafal Wójcik. Old Light on New Media: Medieval Practices in the Digital Age pp. 16-34

-Andrew Lemons. The Metamorphoses of Aura in Ovid and Arnaut Daniel

pp. 35-59

-Brian J. Reilly, Moira R. Dillon. Virtuous Circles of Authorship Attribution through Quantitative Analysis: Chrétien de Troyes's Lancelot pp. 60-85

-Jesús Rodríguez-Velasco. Political Idiots and Ignorant Clients: Vernacular Legal Language in Thirteenth-Century Iberian Culture pp. 86-112

-Ilana Krug. Manuscript Study. The Fisher Antiphonary: A Gilded Window onto the Strozzi and Late Fifteenth-Century Florentine Politics

pp. 113-134


-Patrick Sahle, Georg Vogeler. Digital Monumenta Germaniae Historicapp. 135-139

-Gregory B. Milton. Authoring the Past pp. 140-143

16/06/2016 Publicaciones