Editorial/Institución editora: 
John Benjamins Publishing Company
Tipo de publicación: 

Proposition of a special volume: Spanish Phraseology: Varieties and Variations In the last years, research in Spanish phraseology has produced not only better analysis methods but also a huge amount of data, that is increasingly available for further research. However, the research in this area has now to cope with a very important degree of diversity in descriptions that is not due to inaccuracy but to natural structural, diatopic, diaphasic, diastratic or diachronic phraseological variation. Far from viewing this as a distortion factor, we consider that varieties and variations constitute the core of phraseology and that there is a lack of extensive studies that adequately reflect this diversity in all its extent. We are then inviting proposals for papers presenting innovative research on the area of varieties (geographical, sociological, historical…) and variations (lexical, morphological, syntactical…) in Spanish phraseology.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Historical Phraseology of Spanish

- Phraseology of diatopic varieties of Spanish

- Spanish Phraseography

- Spanish Phraseology and Contrastive Phraseology

- Spanish Phraseology and Corpus Linguistics

-Spanish Phraseology and Spanish as a Foreign Language

-Spanish Phraseology in Discourse


Xavier Blanco (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Correo e.: xblancoe@gmail.com

Pedro Mogorrón (Universidad de Alicante)

Correo e: Pedro.mogorron@ua.es


Submission of papers: 1th May 2015

Notification to authors: 1th July 2015

Further information:



16/06/2016 Publicaciones