Tipo de recurso: 
Juan de la Cuesta is a celebrated name in Hispanic publications, most particularly because the first editions of Don Quijote -1605 and 1615- were printed on Cuesta's presses; but even without Cervantes' masterwork, Cuesta would have been famous through carefully prepared editions of other literary monuments and works of humanistic erudition.
The modern Juan de la Cuesta Hispanic Monographs, founded by Tom Lathrop in 1978, is a descendent in spirit of its Madrid namesake since it strives to publish only the worthiest of manuscripts, in the handsomest of editions, and at reasonable prices.
Within the monographs, aside from the more general works, we have developed specialty areas which include: Documentación cervantina ‹‹Tom Lathrop›, Estudios lingüísticos, Ediciones críticas, Estudios de literatura latinoamericana ‹‹Irving A. Leonard››, Homenajes, Clásicos para estudiantes, University of California-Irvine/Hispanic Studies, Estudios de la literatura moderna «Russell P. Sebold», Estudios judeoespañoles «Samuel G. Armistead y Joseph H. Silverman», and Estudios de literatura medieval ‹‹John E. Keller››, and the newest series, Serie de traducciones críticas.
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16/06/2016 Recursos