Call for papers:As a crossroads of cultures, the Iberian Peninsula provides a fertile field for the study of the contact and interaction of peoples, cultures and languages. This session seeks to examine linguistic contacts in any region of Iberia during the middle ages. It includes the contact between any languages, be they Romance (e.g. Castilian, Aragonese, Mozarabic) or non-Romance (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew, Germanic). Any form of Latin and its “interaction” with any other language during the Middle Ages in the Iberian territory are also included here. Both synchronic and diachronic approaches to language contact are welcome. Emphasis may be on the written word and its literary manifestations, as well as on specific linguistic features (i.e. sound system, morphology, syntax, and lexicon). Ultimately, this session seeks to add the linguistic evidence to the increasingly productive field of intercultural exchanges in medieval Iberia. Any relationship between the medieval languages of the Iberian Peninsula and the languages of its overseas colonies during the sixteenth century is also welcome. Equally acceptable is the reception or reinterpretation of medieval Iberian languages (e.g. Astur-Leonese, Navarro-Aragonese, Judeo-Spanish) in post-medieval times.Abstract and Participant Information Form (available at the website)Contact:Vicente Lledó-Guillem ( or Cynthia Kauffeld ( Special Session: Translations of the Spanish Classic Celestina: Half a Millennium and Counting (send abstract directly to: Kathleen Kish [])Fecha límite de entrega de propuestas: 15 de septiembre de 2012.
48th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Medieval Institute of Western Michigan UniversitySessions sponsored by the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Estados Unidos
Fecha de inicio:
Jueves, 9 mayo, 2013
Fecha de finalización:
Domingo, 12 mayo, 2013
Dirección postal completa:
Western Michigan University
Correo electrónico:
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