University of Colorado Denver and the University of Wyoming
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Denver and Laramie
Estados Unidos
Fecha de inicio: 
Jueves, 23 abril, 2015
Fecha de finalización: 
Domingo, 26 abril, 2015
Información adicional: 

Call for Papers:The University of Colorado Denver and the University of Wyoming are now accepting abstracts in English or Spanish for the upcoming International Conference «Don Quixote in the American West: A Fourth-Centenary Celebration (1615–2015)» to be held April 23–26, 2015 in Denver (Colorado) and Laramie (Wyoming).Papers are welcome from any theoretical perspective and may examine any aspect of the second part of Miguel de Cervantes’ Don Quixote (1615). This conference will feature seven of the most prestigious Cervantes scholars: William Egginton (Johns Hopkins University), Mercedes Alcalá Galán (University of Wisconsin Madison), María Antonia Garcés(Cornell University), Steven Hutchinson (University of Wisconsin Madison), Luce López-Baralt (Universidad de Puerto Rico Río Piedras),Edwin Williamson (University of Oxford), and Diana de Armas Wilson (University of Denver).Please send paper abstracts and titles (max. 250 words) by December 1st, 2014 to:Conxita Domènech at cdomenec@uwyo.eduA selection of papers will be published in a collective volume.For any additional information contact:Andrés Lema-HincapiéAssociate ProfessorUniversity of Colorado DenverModern LanguagesCampus Box 178, P.O. Box 173364Denver, Colorado 80204(303)

16/06/2016 Congresos y cursos