2013, which falls exactly one hundred years after the death of Ferdinand de Saussure, affords a unique opportunity to look forward to the future of linguistics.The anniversary of Ferdinand de Saussure’s death will also be the opportunity to look back on the history of linguistics, particularly as concern the Saussure-Chomsky connection.Main topic:The language-cognition interfaceThe program of the Congress includes:- 8 Plenary sessions attributed to keynote speakers: 75 minutes of lecture, followed by a discussion. - 10 sections, each animated by a section organizer: each section is constituted by one of the subdisciplines of linguistics. The section organizer provides a state of the art report, selects the communications, with the help of an ad hoc committee. Each lecture should last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. - 3 poster sessions, about an hour each. - 31 workshops: each workshop organizer is free to choose his subject and his own modus operandi. Contact:19icl(at)unige(dot)ch
International Congress of Linguistics
Société Suisse de Linguistique (SSL). Université de Genève
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Fecha de inicio:
Lunes, 22 julio, 2013
Fecha de finalización:
Sábado, 27 julio, 2013
Dirección postal completa:
Université de Genève
Correo electrónico:
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Otros congresos o cursos