Saint Louis University
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Fecha límite de solicitud:
Domingo, 31 diciembre, 2017
Proposal for Session or Roundtable Discussion
The Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies provides a convenient summer venue in North America for scholars in all disciplines to present papers, organize sessions, participate in roundtables, and engage in interdisciplinary discussion. The goal of the symposium is to promote serious scholarly investigation on all topics and in all disciplines of the medieval and early modern worlds.
We welcome proposals for papers, sessions, and roundtables on all topics and in all disciplines dealing with Medieval and/or Early Modern Iberian Studies. Special attention will be given to the topics listed below.
Deadline for submission of proposals is December 31, 2017. 
For further information, please check or contact a session organizer (please see below)
Title of Session: Creativity in Pedagogy: Explaining the Middle Ages, Engaging Students
Organizers: Denise K. Filios (University of Iowa) & Ana M. Montero (Saint Louis University)
San Luis
Estados Unidos
Fecha de inicio: 
Martes, 8 agosto, 2017
Fecha de finalización: 
Martes, 8 agosto, 2017
Dirección postal completa:
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Materias de especialidad: 
08/08/2017 Congresos y cursos