Sandra Hale
Categoría profesional:
Associate Professor
Hispanista Emérito:
School of Humanities and Languages, University of Western Sydney (Centro)
Página de internet personal:
Trabajos publicados:
Community Interpreting. Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
The discourse of court interpreting. Discourse practices of the law, the witness and the interpreter. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2004.
Book chapters:.
Translation & Interpreting Assessment in the Context of Educational Measurement. In G.Anderman & M. Rogers (eds). Translation Today. Trends and Perspectives. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 2003, págs. 205-224.
How are Courtroom Questions Interpreted? An Analysis of Spanish Interpreters. Practices. In I.Mason (ed.) Triadic Exchanges. Studies in Dialogue Interpreting. Manchester, St. Jerome, 2001, págs. 21-50.
How faithfully do Court Interpreters render the style of non-English speaking witnesses's testimonies? A data based study of Spanish-English bilingual proceedings. Discourse Studies, vol. 4, nº. 1, 2001, págs. 25-47.
The interaction between text difficulty and translation accuracy. Babel, vol. 48, nº 1, 2002, págs. 14-33.
El intérprete, ¿garantiza la igualdad ante la Ley? El caso de Australia. RASAL. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística, nº. 1, 1998, págs. 7-17.
Book review:
Review article on 'Trasvases culturales: literature, cine, traducción'. Translatio XX, 2001, nº. 3-4. págs. 255-273.
Community Interpreting. Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
The discourse of court interpreting. Discourse practices of the law, the witness and the interpreter. Amsterdam/Philadelphia, John Benjamins, 2004.
Book chapters:.
Translation & Interpreting Assessment in the Context of Educational Measurement. In G.Anderman & M. Rogers (eds). Translation Today. Trends and Perspectives. Clevedon, Multilingual Matters, 2003, págs. 205-224.
How are Courtroom Questions Interpreted? An Analysis of Spanish Interpreters. Practices. In I.Mason (ed.) Triadic Exchanges. Studies in Dialogue Interpreting. Manchester, St. Jerome, 2001, págs. 21-50.
How faithfully do Court Interpreters render the style of non-English speaking witnesses's testimonies? A data based study of Spanish-English bilingual proceedings. Discourse Studies, vol. 4, nº. 1, 2001, págs. 25-47.
The interaction between text difficulty and translation accuracy. Babel, vol. 48, nº 1, 2002, págs. 14-33.
El intérprete, ¿garantiza la igualdad ante la Ley? El caso de Australia. RASAL. Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística, nº. 1, 1998, págs. 7-17.
Book review:
Review article on 'Trasvases culturales: literature, cine, traducción'. Translatio XX, 2001, nº. 3-4. págs. 255-273.
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