Marjorie Agosin

Categoría profesional: 
Full Professor of Spanish
Hispanista Emérito: 
Universidad/Centro de investigación: 
Wellesley College
Estados Unidos
Trabajos publicados: 
Translating the Soul. N.p.: Western Edge, 2017. Print. PDF Submission
Home: An Imagined Landscape. Kent, UK: Solis, 2016. Print. Edited Anthology
The White Islands = Las Islas Blancas. Trans. Jacqueline C. Nanfito. Chicago:
               Swan Isle, 2016. Print. (Poetry)
Harbors of Light = Puertos De Luz. Trans. E. O. O'Connor. Buffalo, NY:
               White Pine, 2016. Print.
Engel Der Erinnerung. Trans. Simone Reinhard and Verlag Hans Schiler.
               Berlin: Schiler, H, 2016. Print.
Ana Reimaginando: El Diario De Ana Frank. Santiago, Das Kapital Ediciones, 2015. Print.
From Chile to the World: 70 Years of Gabriela Mistral's Nobel Prize: De Chile Al Mundo: 70                 Años Del Premio Nobel De Gabriela Mistral. Ed. Marjorie Agosin, Gloria Garafulich-                  Grabois. New York: Gabriela Mistral Foundation, 2015. Print.
I Lived in Butterfly Hill,  Simon & Schuster, 2012
Of Earth and Sky a Chilean Memoir  Arizona University Press 2009
The light of desire, Sawin  Isle press Dec 2009
A sea of voices: women poets of Israel an international anthology. Sherman Asher 2009
Maps of Love, bilingual edition Even Hoshen Publishers Israel. 2006
Mother Tell Me About the War. Translated by Betty Jean Craige. Sherman Asher Publishers,  2006.
Among the Angels of Memory. Translated by Laura R. Nakazawa. Wings Press, 2006.
Secrets in the Sand; The Women of Ciudad Juarez. Translated by Celeste Cooperman. White Pine Press, 2006.
Dear Anne Frank. Translated into the Hebrew by Ioram Meltzer. Carmel Publishers, Jerusalem 2006.
Poems for Josephine. Santa Fe, New Mexico: Sherman Asher Publishers, 2004.
At the Threshold of Memory, New and Selected Poems. White Pine Press, 2003.
The Angel of Memory, San Antonio Texas: Wings Press, 2001.
Desert Rain = Lluvia en el desierto, New Mexico: Sherman Asher Publishing, 1999. ..snip...    
An the Absence of Shadows, Fredonia, NY: White Pine Press, 1998..
Hispanista Histórico: 