XXX Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos

Áreas temáticas: - AFR / Pueblos afrolatinos e indígenas - AGR / Agraria y vida rural - BIO / Biodiversidad, recursos naturales y medio ambiente - CHI / Los niños, los jóvenes y las culturas juveniles - CIT / Ciudades, planificación y servicios sociales - CRJ / Ciudadanía, derechos y justicia - CSS / Sociedad civil y movimientos sociales - CUL / Cultura, poder y subjetividades políticas - DEF / Defensa, violencia e (in)seguridad - DEM /[Leer más]

International Congress on Medieval Studies.

As an interdisciplinary discussion of the relationship between merchants and their saintly protectors, this session will invite papers examining evidence of specific relationships between merchants and saints that might include consideration of merchant's wills, artistic patronage, manuscript collections, and pilgrimage, as well as the religious practices of merchants' confraternities and guilds. The session will welcome papers from[Leer más]