Second Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University

Here is a list of the IMANA sessions and their organizers for 2014: 1.The Matter of Troy in Medieval Iberia (Erik Ekman: ) 2. Millennialism and Messianism in Medieval Iberia (Linde Brocato: ) 3.Expanding the Canon: Lesser Known Texts of Medieval Iberia. (Nancy Marino: ) 4.Fifteenth Century Topics in Medieval Iberia (Roxana Recio: ) 5.Open Topics: After the Legacy[Leer más]

I Seminario Internacional «Mujeres y creación audiovisual: cambio democrático y mirada femenina en la post-Transición española»

Las personas interesadas deben mandar una propuesta de comunicación hasta el 20 de septiembre de 2013 incluyendo un resumen de 200 palabras, afiliación y breve biografía profesional a la siguiente dirección: . La aceptación o no de la propuesta se comunicará antes del 30 de septiembre.[Leer más]

49th International Congress on Medieval Studies

2) Imagining the Passion in a Multiconfessional Castile II: Sufi and Jewish Influence and Responses (panel discussion, with author’s participation) Rethinking Christian spirituality from within Iberia, however, not only calls for reconsidering the devotional art and texts in relation to Christian theology, but also calls for greater attention to Spain’s multiconfessional circumstances. Robinson suggests that the elevation of Christ and Mary as[Leer más]

36th Conference Association for Contemporary Iberian Studies (ACIS)

Other suggestions are welcome, and Panels can be more specifically oriented within these broad areas. Papers will be allocated a maximum of 30 minutes on the programme (i.e. approx 20 minutes for the paper and 10 minutes for discussion and debate). We will shortly be announcing the keynote speakers for the conference on our ACIS website. Keynote speakers in previous years have included novelist Use Lahoz, journalist and writer Elvira Lindo,[Leer más]