ISBN: 978-3-937734-97-2
Ciudad: Kassel
Año: 2012
The Limits of Literary Translation is a breakthrough collection of essays which addresses translation in a truly interdisciplinary manner. As UNESCO’s General Director pointed out (23 April 2012 World Book and Copyright Day, 80th anniversary of Index Translationum): “Translation is the first step towards the rapprochement of peoples”…“a decentralizing experience, teaching diversity and dialogue.” Translation is the only true “world language” (La cultura traducida, Santoyo, 1983) and the role played by translators in building diverse cultures is aptly exemplified in the various chapters which deal with translations into and from all the languages of the Iberian Peninsula, including less explored target languages (Thai, Slovenian). This cutting-edge blend of research by senior and junior academics presents translation as a “testing ground” (Rutherford) in all literary genres. The final essays on songs, comics, graphic and audiovisual humour provide “pointers and eye openers” (Zabalbeascoa) that help us address the issue of translated cultural identity (Muñoz-Calvo) and go “beyond the blinkers” of traditional academia.
Edition Reichenberger
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