'Estudios de Sociolingüística', revista internacional de la Universiidad de Vigo, presenta en este número, entre otros, los siguientes artículos:

-Ein Mischmasch aus Deutsch und Französisch: Ideological tensions in young people’s discursive constructions of Luxembourgish, John Bellamy , Kristine Horner
- Stylistic variation in /r/: Shifting personas on a bridal reality television show, Maeve Eberhardt
- Caribeño or mexicano, profesionista or albañil? Mexican listeners’ evaluations of /s/ aspiration and maintenance in Mexican and Puerto Rican voices, Whitney Chappell
- Analyzing the production of a non-standard form: Variable use of preterit andar in bogotano Spanish, Maritza Nemogá , Matthew Kanwit
- ‘We don’t need another Afrikaans’: Adequation and distinction in South-African and Flemish language policies, Jürgen Jaspers , Michael Meeuwis

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22/05/2019 Noticias