Editorial/Institución editora: 
Jonathan Burgoyne, editor / Emily C. Francomano, Associate Editor
Estados Unidos
Tipo de publicación: 
La corónica is a refereed journal published every spring and fall by the MLA Forum, LLC Medieval Iberian. It publishes groundbreaking articles written in English or Spanish on topics in medieval Spanish cultural studies, literature, and historical linguistics. Devoted to Hispanomedievalism in its broadest sense, La corónica also welcomes scholarship that transcends the linguistic and/or cultural borders of Spanish and explores the interconnectedness of those languages and cultures that coexisted in medieval Iberia. In addition to articles, La corónica features book reviews, reports, discussion forums, professional notices, and special thematic issues.
Submissions should follow The MLA Style Manual and employ the short internal reference system. Consult the Guidelines for Articles.
All questions concerning subscriptions, orders for back issues, requests for replacement of undelivered copies (within three months of publication date) and changes of address should be directed to the Managing Editor.
La corónica does not accept unsolicited book reviews. However, a list of books for review is available. All inquiries about book reviews should be addressed to the Book Review Editor. Submission of articles and notes on Information Technology should be sent directly to the Editor for Information Technology.
Página de Internet: 
Correo electrónico: 
Fecha de publicación: 
Martes, 3 enero, 2017
03/01/2017 Publicaciones