Editorial/Institución editora: 
Duke University Press, The Conference on Latin American History (CLAH) y American Historical Association (AHA).
Tipo de publicación: 

Volume 89, Number 1, February 2009. Sumario


Paulina L. Alberto: «When Rio Was Black: Soul Music, National Culture, and the Politics of Racial Comparison in 1970s Brazil». Págs. 3-39.

Betsy Konefal: «Subverting Authenticity: Reinas Indígenas and the Guatemalan State, 1978». Págs. 41-72.

Lillian Guerra: «'To condemn the Revolution is to condemn Christ': Radicalization, Moral Redemption, and the Sacrifice of Civil Society in Cuba, 1960». Págs. 73-109.

Adriano Luiz Duarte: «Neighborhood Associations, Social Movements, and Populism in Brazil, 1945-1953». Págs. 111-139.


Jonathan C. Brown: John W. F. Dulles (1913-2008). Págs. 141-143.

Reviews. Págs. 145-205.

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16/06/2016 Publicaciones