Editorial/Institución editora: 
Simon Doubleday (Hofstra University). Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis Group y Universidad de Glasgow
Reino Unido
Tipo de publicación: 
The Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies ( JMIS ) is a new interdisciplinary journal for innovative scholarship on the multiple languages, cultures, and historical processes of the Iberian Peninsula, and the zones with which it was in contact. Recognizing the vitality of debates about change in the fourth and fifth centuries, and conscious of the artificiality of the boundaries associated with 1492, we encourage submission of all innovative scholarship of interest to the community of medievalists and Iberianists.
JMIS , which aims to bring theoretically informed approaches into creative contact with more empirically minded scholarship,encompasses archaeology, art and architecture, music, philosophy and religious studies, as well as history, codicology, manuscript studies and the multiple Arabic, Latin, Romance, and Hebrew linguistic and literary traditions of Iberia. We welcome work that engages peninsular Iberia in relation to other parts of the ‘post-classical’ world; which explores links of colonization and exchange with the Maghreb, embraces the study of Occitania, addresses Iberia’s presence in the Mediterranean, or adopts a transatlantic or Latin American frame. We also encourage interdisciplinary work combining radically different forms of sources or theoretical proposals, and ‘unconventional’ types of submissions including brief opinion pieces or archival reports, individual or clustered interviews with prominent scholars, audio clips, ‘podcasts’, and video files.
JMIS , which is supported in part by the Medieval Institute and the Graduate College at Western Michigan University and by Hofstra University, will be published twice a year, with occasional thematic clusters.

Print ISSN: 1754-6559
Online ISSN: 1754-6567
Fecha de publicación: 
Martes, 3 enero, 2017
03/01/2017 Publicaciones