'Journal of Latin American Studies', revista dirigida por Graham Denyer Willis (University of Cambridge, Reino Unido), presenta en este número, entre otros, los siguientes artículos:
-Transported Identities: Global Trafficking and Late-Imperial Subjectivity in Cuban Narratives on African Penal Colonies, Susan Martín Márquez
- Photographic Encounters: Martín Chambi, Indigeneity and Chile–Peru Relations in the Early Twentieth Century, Joanna Crow
- Public Opinion and Modernity in Venezuela’s Anti-Corruption Trials, 1945–8, Doug Yarrington
- La Visita: Prisons and Survival in Guatemala, Anthony W. Fontes, Kevin L. O'Neill
- Violence, Ideology and Counterrevolution: Landowners and Agrarian Reform in Cautín Province, Chile, 1967–73, Daniel Carter.
-Transported Identities: Global Trafficking and Late-Imperial Subjectivity in Cuban Narratives on African Penal Colonies, Susan Martín Márquez
- Photographic Encounters: Martín Chambi, Indigeneity and Chile–Peru Relations in the Early Twentieth Century, Joanna Crow
- Public Opinion and Modernity in Venezuela’s Anti-Corruption Trials, 1945–8, Doug Yarrington
- La Visita: Prisons and Survival in Guatemala, Anthony W. Fontes, Kevin L. O'Neill
- Violence, Ideology and Counterrevolution: Landowners and Agrarian Reform in Cautín Province, Chile, 1967–73, Daniel Carter.
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