Anthony Zahareas
- The Art of Juan Ruiz, Archpriest of Hita. Madrid, 1965. (Reviewed extensively in allmajor specialized journals.)
- Visión del Esperpento: Teoría y Práctica de los Esperpentos de Valle-Inclán. (Co-authored with R. Cardona) Madrid: Editorial Castilia , 1970; 256pp. Revised with new introduction in 1983. Serie literatura y Sociedad. Ed.Castalia, Madrid, 1983 (255 pages plus photos).
- Critical Guide to the Book of True Love. Vol. III Itinerario del Libro del Arcipreste: Gossas del Libro de Buen Amor, Madison, Wis: HSMS, 1990. 600+ pp.
- Bohemian Lights, by Ramón del Valle-Inclán. Bilingual Series. University of Edinburgh Press, 1975, and Univ. of Texas Press, 1976 (contains 100 page monograph of Valle-Inclan's theater and 45-page documenttion of the socio-political background).
- Lazarillo de Tormes y de sus Fortunas yAdversidades. AKAL Clasicos (Madrid, 1996). (Study, Guide, Bibliography, Notes, Glossary.) (Public Presentation, Madrid 1997)
- The Cid's Legal Action at the Court of Toledo. Romantic Review, LV (1964), 161-172.
- The Stars, Worldly Love, and Free Will inthe Libro de Buen Amor. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Spring, 1965), 82-93.
- The Historical Function of Art and Morality in Quevedo's Picaresque Vida. Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXI (July, 1984), 432-443.
- The Historical Function of Picaresque Autobiographies: Toward a History of Social Offenders, Chapt. 6 of Autobiography in Early Modern Spain, Hispanic Issues. 1.2 (Spring, 1988), 131-162.
- La Función Histórica del Humor en Don Quiiote. The Fourteenth Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Langs. and Literatures (La CHISPA). ED. Gilbert Paolini: Tulane Univ., New Orleans, 1993, pp.282-291.
- Galdos' Dona Perfecta: Fiction, History and Ideology. Anales Galdosianos, Vol. XI (1976), 29-58. Cervantes, Shakespeare and Calderon: Theater and Society. Proceedings, Louisiana Conference on Hispanic Language and Literature. (Baton Rouge, 1995), 224-240.
- Unamundo's Marxian Slip: Religion as the Opium of the People, Midwestern Modern Language Association. Vol. 17 (Spring, 1984), 16-37.
- Primera Memoria como Realidad y Metáfora, Compás de Letras. Monografías de Literatura Española, No. 4, Universidad Complutense (June 1994),138-166.
- Modernidad y Experimentalismo Revista de Filología y Lingüística. Special Issue. University of Costa Rica (1995-96) pp.125-140.