Formación Inicial para Profesores de ELE

El curso tendrá lugar en Comillas - Cantabria (España), del 26 al 30 de junio de 2017 Objetivos - Conocer los conceptos y teorías que fundamentan la didáctica de ELE. - Aplicar en el aula técnicas docentes básicas. - Elaborar secuencias didácticas. - Reflexionar sobre las competencias del profesor de ELE y sobre la manera de explotarlas. - Familiarizarse con el uso de materiales e instrumentos de evaluación. - Conocer los diferentes tipos de[Leer más]

International Conference on Multilingualism and Multilingual Education

The conference considers all aspects of the linguistic and sociolinguistic competences and practices of bi-/multilingual speakers who cross existing social and linguistic boundaries, adopting or adapting themselves to new and overlapping linguistic spaces. Topics will include: (multiple) language acquisition and learning (L3, L4, Lx); psycho- and neurolinguistics of multilingualism; translanguaging; early bilingualism and heritage language[Leer más]

Congreso liLETRAd 2017 «Tendiendo puentes de Oriente a Occidente»

A partir de nuestros amplios campos temáticos, que engloban la LITERATURA, la LENGUA y la TRADUCCIÓN, nuestra línea argumentativa, «TENDIENDO PUENTES DE ORIENTE A OCCIDENTE», se centrará en un flamante y social tema de plena actualidad: la existencia o construcción de muros, barreras, Brexit y adicionales delimitaciones, que más que unirnos pueden traer consigo una separación no solo de los afectos sino de los principios éticos y los derechos[Leer más]

Aquisiçao das consoantes róticas no português brasileiro e no espanhol: um estudo comparativo

This Doctoral Dissertation describes the L1 acquisition of rhotic consonants in Portuguese and Spanish, in all syllable positions that may be occupied by these segments in both languages, that is, word-initial and wordmedial single onsets (strong-r), single and complex onsets and word-medial and final codas (weak-r). The data, which belong to the AQUIFONO and CHILDES databases, were produced by normally developed monolingual children, ranging[Leer más]

The L2 acquisition of agreement: comparing the inter language of Dutch, English, French and Swedish-speaking learners of Spanish

Much of current generative research into non-native language (L2) acquisition of morphosyntax has focused on L 1 transfer and access to Universal Grammar. Subject-Verb agreement has figured more prominently than nominal agreement in this debate, but empirical findings remain inconclusive. For instance, Hawkins & Franceschina (2004) conclude that UG features (e.g. [GENDER]) not realised in the L 1 cannot be acquired, whereas White et al. ([Leer más]