Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures, Louisiana State University (LSU)
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Fecha límite de solicitud:
Martes, 1 octubre, 2013

The deadline for submissions is 1 October 2009.

Further details:

Alejandro Cortazar


Rafael Orozco


Baton Rouge
Estados Unidos
Fecha de inicio: 
Jueves, 11 febrero, 2010
Fecha de finalización: 
Sábado, 13 febrero, 2010
Dirección postal completa: 
Louisiana State University (LSU).
Página de Internet: 
Información adicional: 

Topics:Transitional societies during and after Independence in the Hispanic world. Transatlantic (des)encounters with(in) the new republics. Religion, romanticism, and the emerging nation-State. Republicanism and the search for cultural identity. Location and affirmation of the lettered city. Modernity, art, culture, and marginal society. Discourses of nationalism, imperialism and (neo)colonialism Ideal, myth, and reflection on the Mexican Revolution. Art and culture of the Mexican Revolution, now and then. Gender and ethnic studies beyond the imagined community. Colonial and post-colonial language studies. Language variation and change in the Americas. Discovering and recovering the Afro-Hispanic experience. Border crossings: Symbolic and real Issues of language maintenance and language shift in the Hispanic world. Regional becoming (tans)national: Cultural and linguistic challenges in the 21st Century.

16/06/2016 Congresos y cursos