University of St Andrews (Reino Unido)
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Fecha límite de solicitud:
Miércoles, 30 agosto, 2017
The aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to reassess the work of José Ortega y Gasset as an aesthetic theorist, cultural entrepreneur, essayist, social theorist, politician and philosopher within the context of Western culture. Conference strands may include: Ortega and phenomenology; the impact of Ortega’s thought on Iberian, European and Latin-American cultures and literatures from 1914 to the 1970s; La deshumanización del arte [The Dehumanization of Art] and Ideas sobre la novela [Ideas on the Novel] against the background of Anglo-Saxon Modernism(s) and/or the European avant-garde movements of the 1920s and 1930s; Ortega’s perspective on gender; Brexit in the light of Ortega’s conceptualization of Europe; La rebelión de las masas [The Revolt of the Masses] and the new «populisms».
St Andrews
Reino Unido
Fecha de inicio:
Viernes, 26 enero, 2018
Fecha de finalización:
Sábado, 27 enero, 2018
Dirección postal completa:
Dr. Ricardo Fernández Romero. University of St Andrews. School of Modern Languages. Department of Spanish.
Buchanan Building, Union Street, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,
UK, KY16 9PH. United Kingdom
Buchanan Building, Union Street, St Andrews, Fife, Scotland,
UK, KY16 9PH. United Kingdom
Correo electrónico: