Western Michigan University
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Estados Unidos
Fecha de inicio: 
Jueves, 12 mayo, 2016
Fecha de finalización: 
Domingo, 15 mayo, 2016
Dirección postal completa: 
Western Michigan University
Información adicional: 

The Iberomedieval Association of North America (IMANA) will sponsor four sessions at the Congress next May. If you'd like to submit an abstract for one of these sessions, please fill out the Participant Information Form which you'll find on the website link below and submit it directly to the session organizer. Here is a list of the IMANA sessions and their organizers for 2016:Debating Medieval Iberia: Competition, Argument, and Exchange of Ideas: Maureen Russo Rodríguez ( Bodies: Representations of Heroic Women in Medieval Spanish Literature: Emily Colbert Cairns ( at Court in Medieval Iberia: Mark Davis (, Religion, and Vengeance: Aesthetic and Social Contexts in Medieval Iberian Literature: Óscar Martín ( for submission of paper proposals is September 15.

16/06/2016 Congresos y cursos