Mens et Mensa Society for the Study of Food in the Middle Ages
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Fecha de inicio: 
Jueves, 24 octubre, 2013
Fecha de finalización: 
Viernes, 25 octubre, 2013
Correo electrónico: 
Información adicional: 

Call for PapersConference Theme: Foods and Communities in the Later Middle Ages (1000-1500 CE)The acquisition, preparation and consumption of food is a basic human need that provides a lens through which scholars can explore relationships among economic, religious, literary, legal, political, cultural and social activity. Scholarly study of food, as well as its surrounding ideas and practices, illuminates the boundaries and nexus of material and mental exchanges that are so fundamental to human experience that they often escape a culture's nominal categories to occasion the crossing of social and political borders. We are seeking papers devoted to the cross-disciplinary and crosscultural scholarship on ideas, practices and artifacts concerning food in the Middle Ages. Send one-page paper or panel proposal and short C.V to: by May 20th, 2013.For more information feel free to contact us:Montserrat Piera mpiera01@temple.eduJohn Bollweg

16/06/2016 Congresos y cursos