Friday, January 31, 2014
- Christoph Gabriel & Jonas Grünke (Hamburg) - Focus, prosody, and word order in L3 Spanish: Analyzing data from German learners with Italian and Portuguese as heritage language
- Aria Adli (Berlin) - Focus and theticity
- Andreas Dufter (München) - Pseudo-clefts in French: formal and functional motivations
- Anna-Maria De Cesare (Basel) - Discourse hot spots: Clefts with focus adverbs in Italian, French and English
- Klaus von Heusinger & Sofiana Chiriacescu (Cologne) - Information structure and discourse prominence. Evidence from differential object marking in Romanian
- Uli Reich & Jan Fließbach (Berlin) - The sound of truth. Focus and epistemic operators in the common ground as complementary meanings of intonation in Romance languages
- Volker Struckmeier (Cologne) - Prosody and semantics (and not discourse) drive German scrambling movements
Marco García García (
ProgramaThursday, January 30, 2014- Stavros Skopeteas (Bielefeld) - Syntactic or prosodic realization of focus: A cross-linguistic study on speech production- Daniel Jacob (Freiburg) - 'Only' in French: Focalization into ordered and scalar sets of alternatives and its expression in German, French, and Spanish- Christine Dimroth (Münster) - The addition of assertions with maintained or changed polarity: Production data from speakers of Dutch, French, German and Italian- Manuel Leonetti (Alcalá de Henares) - Word order and the *ser / estar* distinction in Spanish: The interaction of aspect and focus structure- Marco García García (Cologne) - Focus and exclamative NPs in Spanish- Pilar Prieto & Maria del Mar Vanrell& Antonio Stella & Barbara Gili-Fivela (Barcelona) - Prosodic manifestations of the effort code in Catalan, Italian, and Spanish contrastive focus- Martine Grice & Simon Ritter (Cologne) - The importance of onglides for the interpretation of information structure in German- Melanie Uth (Cologne) - Prosodic realization of contrastive focus in Yucatecan Spanish