La revista `Journal of Spanish Language Teaching` presenta en este nuevo número, entre otros, los siguientes artículos:
- Perfil laboral y formativo del profesorado de español como lengua extranjera o segunda (ELE/EL2) en Suecia, Rakel Österberg
- The effects of explicit instruction on written accent mark usage in basic and intermediate Spanish heritage language courses, Antoni Fernández Parera and Andrew Lynch
- Uncovering the key motivational factors behind students’ enrollment in Spanish classes at institutions of higher education, Alan Parma and Amy Bustin
- Perspectiva teórica y aplicada en el análisis de locuciones verbales que expresan emociones, Clara Ureña Tormo
- The effect of integrating Kahoot! and peer instruction in the Spanish flipped classroom: the student perspective, Cristina González Ruiz
- Navigating interactions, identifying gaps, and setting self-study goals: acquisition of Spanish via community-based learning in interprofessional clinics, Carrie Bonilla
- Sobre la selección y la función didáctica de la terminología gramatical: a propósito del Glosario de términos gramaticales (2019), Emilio Ridruejo
- Jackson, Jane, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication, Sheri Spaine Long
- J. César Félix-Brasdefer, Pragmática del español: contexto, uso y variación, Jeff Michno
- Gabrielle Hogan-Brun, Why Study Languages?, Craig Neville.
- Perfil laboral y formativo del profesorado de español como lengua extranjera o segunda (ELE/EL2) en Suecia, Rakel Österberg
- The effects of explicit instruction on written accent mark usage in basic and intermediate Spanish heritage language courses, Antoni Fernández Parera and Andrew Lynch
- Uncovering the key motivational factors behind students’ enrollment in Spanish classes at institutions of higher education, Alan Parma and Amy Bustin
- Perspectiva teórica y aplicada en el análisis de locuciones verbales que expresan emociones, Clara Ureña Tormo
- The effect of integrating Kahoot! and peer instruction in the Spanish flipped classroom: the student perspective, Cristina González Ruiz
- Navigating interactions, identifying gaps, and setting self-study goals: acquisition of Spanish via community-based learning in interprofessional clinics, Carrie Bonilla
- Sobre la selección y la función didáctica de la terminología gramatical: a propósito del Glosario de términos gramaticales (2019), Emilio Ridruejo
- Jackson, Jane, ed. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication, Sheri Spaine Long
- J. César Félix-Brasdefer, Pragmática del español: contexto, uso y variación, Jeff Michno
- Gabrielle Hogan-Brun, Why Study Languages?, Craig Neville.
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