La revista de lingüística 'Language' presenta el número especial: «Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Sociolinguistic Integration of Migration», entre otros, los siguientes artículos:
- María Sancho Pascual: 'The Sociolinguistic Integration of Immigrant Populations: Reflections on Its Study'
- Rosana Ariolfo: 'The Use of the Present Perfect (pretérito perfecto compuesto) with Aoristic Value in the Speech of Latin American Students'
- Antonio-Manuel Ávila-Muñoz: 'Revisiting the Use of the Proximity Lexicon in the Classroom for Immigrant Populations at Risk of Social Exclusion: Does It Really Help?'
- Olga Ivanova: 'My Child Is a Perfect Bilingual': Cognition, Emotions, and Affectivity in Heritage Language Transmission'
- Giovanna Mapelli: 'The Identity Construction of Migrants on Facebook'
- Adil Moustaoui Srhir, Gabriela Prego Vázquez and Luz Zas Varela: 'Translingual Practices and Reconstruction of Identities in Maghrebi Students in Galicia'
- María Cecilia Ainciburu and Irene Buttazzi: 'Esa no soy Yo': Self-Image and Name Change from the Perspective of Female Immigrants'
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24/01/2020 Noticias