IV Annual Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Saint Louis University

Topics: Here is a list of the sessions and their organizers for 2016; please contact session organizers for further information. 1.Perspectives on Spanish Chivalry (Damian Smith: dsmith69@slu.edu ) 2.Courtly Love Romance in Iberia: the Analysis of Sentimental Fiction (Ana M. Montero: monteroa@slu.edu ) 3.Celebrating Four Hundred Years of Miguel de Cervantes (Julia Lieberman: lieberjr@slu.edu ) 4.History and Literature in the Trastamaran Age (Ana[Leer más]

50 International Congress on Medieval Studies. Textual and Manuscript Studies in Online Environments

La University of Massachusetts Amherst y la University of Virginia y el Journal of Medieval Cultures celebran este congerso del 14 al 17 de mayo de 2015 en Amherst ( Massachusetts, EE. UU.). El plazo para el envío de propuestas se cierra el 15 de septiembre de 2014.[Leer más]