Universidad de Bolonia, Campus de Forlì
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Fecha límite de solicitud:
Viernes, 30 junio, 2017
TechLING is an international conference devoted to the application of technology to language teaching, translation and interpreting. We are looking for contributions that present novel technology-based approaches, both academic and non academic, to the study, use and commercialization of language-related solutions/applications.

Proposals are expected to report on results achieved through the combination of linguistic approaches and technology, involving one, two or all of the major areas of the conference.
Fecha de inicio: 
Viernes, 10 noviembre, 2017
Fecha de finalización: 
Sábado, 11 noviembre, 2017
Dirección postal completa: 
Universidad de Bolonia, Campus de Forlì
Correo electrónico: 
Redes sociales
29/06/2017 Congresos y cursos