CFP: «Translating Genres: Arabic Prose and European Literatures» 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies

CFP: «Translating Genres: Arabic Prose and European Literatures» 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI (May 10-13, 2018) Panel sponsored by the University of Minnesota Center for Medieval Studies. This panel welcomes papers that explore various aspects of the genesis, impact, and legacy of medieval Arabic prose written in Europe (especially in areas of intense contact such as the Iberian[Leer más]

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Literatura colonial

El objetivo de este grupo es el fortalecimiento de la calidad y de la innovación en el proceso de formar doctores especializados en la docencia, investigación y la extensión de la(s) literatura(s) de América Latina. Es una respuesta académicamente creadora a tres desafíos fundamentales de la educación: (a) la necesidad de conjugar armoniosamente los imperativos de preservar y fomentar la identidad cultural con las demandas de la globalización; ([Leer más]

53th International Medieval Congress-Kalamazoo. «From Heresy to Orthodoxy: the Riddle of Christian Iberian Mysticism»

Starting in the later fifteenth century, Iberian mysticism underwent a process that propelled it from nearly being equated with heresy to becoming central to Catholic doctrine and practice. This panel proposes a closer examination of this radical transformation that led to the legitimization, in the eyes of theologians and inquisitors, of the search for a personal experience of the divine. The reconsideration of mysticism as an orthodox practice[Leer más]

«Ilustradores españoles», exposición abierta al público hasta el 25 de agosto, en Buenos Aires

El Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires (CCEBA), en su sede de Buenos Aires, acoge hasta el próximo 25 de agosto la muestra «Ilustradores españoles». En la inauguración estuvo presente el nuevo embajador, Francisco Santodomingo, recién llegado al país, acompañado por la consejera de Cultura y responsable del CCEBA, Pilar Ruiz. Centro Cultural de España en Buenos Aires (CCEBA) Paraná 1159 (CP 1018) Buenos Aires, Argentina Horario: Lunes a[Leer más]

Visual Culture and Women’s Political Identity in the Early Modern Iberian World II

This second conference brings together an international group of researchers from a range of scholarly perspectives to explore, discuss and debate a series of case studies on the visual construction and projection of women’s political identity in medieval and early modern Spain and Portugal. The papers explore a number of critical perspectives that range from the portrayal of Queens and their household to the discourse on female piety and[Leer más]