IALLT - International Association for Language Learning Technology
Tipo de actividad:
Congreso, jornada, encuentro
Fecha límite de solicitud:
Viernes, 23 junio, 2017
The biennial IALLT conference attracts participants world-wide and offers an international perspective into the future of educational technology for language and cultural learning. Our conferences are of particular interest to all language and culture instructors whether K-12 or post-secondary, to individuals affiliated with a media center or language lab, to developers of language technology, and to individuals interested in any facet of language learning technology. During preconference workshops, three days of sessions and panels, interactions in the exhibit hall, and special social events, attendees experience a unique form of professional development that is innovative, cutting-edge, practical, friendly, and just-in-time.

Language teachers are often misunderstood and isolated on their campus, and IALLT provides a supportive environment for anyone who struggles with best practices for incorporating technology into their language teaching. All levels of technology experience are welcome.

In non-conference years, there are other opportunities for IALLT members to gather. In addition to Regional IALLT meetings and IALLT presence at other language conferences, the IALLT Board and Council invite members to participate in the annual Summit planning meeting that takes place at the site for the next conference. IALLT also frequently partners with sister organization CALICO as participants and presenters in their annual conference.
Moorhead, Minnesota
Estados Unidos
Fecha de inicio: 
Martes, 20 junio, 2017
Fecha de finalización: 
Sábado, 24 junio, 2017
Dirección postal completa: 
Concordia College, 901 8th St. S., Moorhead, Minnesota 56560 USA
Correo electrónico: 
Página de Internet: 
Fuente de información: 
03/11/2016 Congresos y cursos