Cursos de Español Lengua Extranjera

La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación anuncia la próxima edición de los cursos de Español para Extranjeros que se desarrollará del 22 al 26 de enero. Con respecto a la modalidad, el curso tiene un enfoque comunicativo basado en tareas a partir de una perspectiva intercultural; los contenidos integran lo lingüístico y cultural mediante el aprendizaje y uso contextualizado de la lengua; y el curso se aprueba mediante asistencia al[Leer más]

Assistant Professor

The Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures at Columbia University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Latin American Cultural Studies, to begin July 1, 2018. Ph.D. must be in hand by the appointment start date. The ideal candidate will possess a demonstrated interest in some of these fields: new media, intermediality, experimental and digital humanities, or relationships between technology and the[Leer más]

Lecturer in Spanish

The Columbia University Department of Latin American and Iberian Cultures invites applications for multiple positions at the rank of Lecturer in Discipline (Spanish), to begin July 1, 2018. These are full-time appointments with multi-year renewals contingent on successful reviews. Ph.D. degree and extensive training in applied linguistics or foreign language pedagogy required. Native or near-native Spanish, proven excellence in Spanish language[Leer más]

Lecturer in Spanish

The Amherst College Department of Spanish invites applications for a lecturer in Spanish, with the appointment to begin in July 2018. This is a full-time appointment with an initial three-year term and the possibility of renewal for an additional three-year term as a lecturer, which is typically followed by five-year renewable appointments as a senior lecturer. Reappointments are contingent upon positive reviews. The successful candidate will be[Leer más]

Conferencia Internacional sobre Transferencia e Intercambio de Conocimiento en el ámbito académico

Este congreso se celebrará 21 al 23 de junio de 2018. en Bérgamo. Se contará con la participacuón de especialistas como: Marina Bondi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italia), Jan Engberg (Aarhus University, Dinamarca), Ken Hyland (The University of East Anglia, Reino Unido) y Carmen Perez-Llantada (University of Zaragoza, España)[Leer más]