Anuario de Estudios Filológicos. Call for papers

Por la presente les informamos de que el plazo para enviar trabajos para su posible inclusión en el Anuario de Estudios Filológicos está abierto hasta el día 20 de abril. Hasta esa fecha, se podrán enviar trabajos, ajustados a las normas de publicación que se encuentran en la web, a la dirección de correo electrónico , correo en el que se atenderá cualquier duda o consulta que se plantee. Un cordial saludo, Ramiro González[Leer más]

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Experimental Phonology Research Group

Experimental Phonology Research Group. This is a cross-faculty, inter-campus Experimental Phonology research group invovling faculty and graduate students from Hispanic Studies and M.A. in Linguistics. our goal is to promote (collaborative) research by bringing together faculty and graduate students working on Phonetics and/or Phonology and to have training workshops.[Leer más]

Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives

Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives is the first book of readings entirely devoted to Spanish exclamatives, a special sentence type often overlooked by contemporary linguists and neglected in standard grammatical descriptions. The seven essays in this volume, each by a leading specialist on the topic, scrutinize the syntax —as well as the semantic and pragmatic aspects— of exclamations on theoretical grounds. The book begins by[Leer más]
