Biennial IALLT conference 2017

The biennial IALLT conference attracts participants world-wide and offers an international perspective into the future of educational technology for language and cultural learning. Our conferences are of particular interest to all language and culture instructors whether K-12 or post-secondary, to individuals affiliated with a media center or language lab, to developers of language technology, and to individuals interested in any facet of[Leer más]

IX Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus "CILC 17"

As part of AELINCO's on-going programme of research activities and annual conferences, the broad aim of the CILC conferences is to provide language researchers an opportunity to present and communicate their work from a variety of corpus analysis perspectives, that is to say any research which attempts to account for attested language phenomena on the basis of empirical textual data. For CILC17, it has been decided that particular attention will[Leer más]