Falsos amigos español-inglés en estudiantes de español como lengua extranjera: el caso de taiwanés

Esta tesis estudia los falsos amigos entre los idiomas español-inglés que se le presentan a estudiantes taiwaneses en el proceso de aprendizaje de la lengua española, y se proporcionan algunas soluciones a este tipo de problemas.[Leer más]

La enseñanza de la destreza oral y el uso de herramientas Web 2.0 en entornos virtuales (el español L2 en los EE.UU.)

Se llevó a cabo un estudio no experimental ex post facto de campo, de nivel exploratorio-descriptivo, sobre una muestra autoseleccionada de 171 sujetos en corte transversal único, a la cual se aplicó un cuestionario mixto autoadministrado de 35 ítems, tanto cerrados como semicerrados. Los participantes son profesores de lengua de diferentes estados, universidades y collegespúblicos y privados de Estados Unidos, todos con experiencia en enseñanza[Leer más]

Metacognitive reading straetgies of middle school Spanish-as-a-foreign-language learners

An interest in foreign language reading has propelled the need for understanding how students make meaning of text in a second language (Patrikis, 2003). Metacognitive reading use strategy is a venue through which second language comprehension can be planned, monitored, and evaluated. In the review of literature, it is suggested that methods for collecting data on metacognitive reading strategies encompass participants’ own words or structured[Leer más]

Subject position and pedagogic identity of Japanese learners studying Spanish as a foreign language in communicative learning settings at the tertiary level in Japan

This study addresses the question: How do the structural conditions of university organisation modulate subject position, social relations and discourse and therefore shape individual consciousness and activity? The response is informed by an empirical pedagogical problem located at the tertiary level in Japan: What makes acquirers attain higher levels of language mastery in foreign language (Spanish) settings informed by communicative language[Leer más]

Análisis del contenido cultural en libros de texto de español como lengua extranjera destinados a estudiantes portugueses

This doctoral thesis has the objective to analyze the cultural contents included in five text books of Spanish as a Foreign Language aimed at Portuguese students of various non- university educational levels. Before scrutinizing the selected works, the concept of culture applied to language teaching was defined and the complications arisen when this type of issues is to be included in the daily praxis of the one in charge of the teaching process[Leer más]