Bellaterra. Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature

Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature is an online peer-reviewed, multilingual academic journal with a focus on language and literature teaching methods. We publish outstanding research in these areas, written by graduate students or post-doctoral students, as well as invited contributions by internationally known scholars.[Leer más]

La enseñanza de la destreza oral y el uso de herramientas Web 2.0 en entornos virtuales (el español L2 en los EE.UU.)

Se llevó a cabo un estudio no experimental ex post facto de campo, de nivel exploratorio-descriptivo, sobre una muestra autoseleccionada de 171 sujetos en corte transversal único, a la cual se aplicó un cuestionario mixto autoadministrado de 35 ítems, tanto cerrados como semicerrados. Los participantes son profesores de lengua de diferentes estados, universidades y collegespúblicos y privados de Estados Unidos, todos con experiencia en enseñanza[Leer más]

Student and Instructor Perceptions of Attrition in Community Colege Online Beginning Spanish Classes

This qualitative multiple comparative case study investigated attrition in online Spanish language courses, from both instructor and student perspectives. Attrition rates in online courses have been found to be up to 50% higher than attrition rates in face to face courses, when studying the phenomenon of attrition in higher education. Attrition is of particular concern at the community college level, where attrition rates run higher than at four[Leer más]