I-LanD Journal. Identity, Language and Diversity Journal
Tipo de convocatoria: 
Contribuciones (call for papers)
Fecha límite de solicitud: 
Viernes, 10 marzo, 2017
Call for papers for the special issue: “Current Politics and the Printed Media: Discursive Tensions in the Age of Populism 3.0”

The second monographic issue of the I-LanD Journal, an international peer-reviewed journal, will be centred on the discursive representation of current politics in the printed media and will be edited by Miguel Ángel Benítez Castro (Department of English and German Studies, University of Zaragoza), Francesca De Cesare (Department of Literary, Linguistic and Comparative Studies, University of Naples “L’Orientale”), Encarnación Hidalgo Tenorio (Department of English and German Studies, University of Granada).

The analysis of the argumentative and persuasive strategies underlying linguistic ideologies helps to reveal how addressers influence their addressees, and how they manage their credibility and legitimacy when conveying their messages. As is well-known, discourse is typically linked to action, and, as such, it may have multiple effects: ideological, interpersonal or a combination of both. Mass media, and particularly the printed press, play a paramount role in the articulation of these effects, by institutionalising and promoting certain discourses at the expense of others. The current international political arena is a fertile ground for the study of the relationship between language use and ideology, especially as present in newspapers.

Given the thematic scope of this issue, contributions should adhere to any of the following broad research strands:
- Relationships between linguistic ideologies and the socio-political contexts where these emerge
- Argumentative and persuasive strategies underlying linguistic ideologies
- Different linguistic ideologies present in the printed press More specific topics of discussion are listed below:
- Right-wing populism in conservative and left-wing tabloid and broadsheet newspapers
- Left-wing populism in conservative and left-wing tabloid and broadsheet newspapers
- Populisms in Europe (e.g. France, Germany, Spain, Russia, Netherlands, Greece, Italy)
- Populisms in America (e.g. United States, Latin America) - Populisms in Asia (e.g. Korea, China, Syria)
- Populism and terrorism
- Women and populism

Contributions are expected to be discursively inspired in their methodology, so that they may draw on any of the following approaches: rhetoric, semiotics, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, systemic-functional grammar, critical discourse analysis, visual grammar, corpus-assisted discourse analysis, or computational linguistics, to name but a few.

Both Spanish and English original manuscripts will be considered for publication in this issue, which will comprise two sections, one for each language.

Word-count of the abstract
- The length of each abstract is approximately 500 words, excluding references.

Word-count of the paper
- The length of individual papers is approximately 7,000-8,000 words, excluding references. The attachment should not contain the author’s name and affiliation but should be accompanied by an email including such personal information.

Dirección postal completa: 
Fuente de información: 
Francesca De Cesare <>
02/03/2017 Convocatorias y empleo