Celebración de los 75 años del Instituto Caro y Cuervo el 19 de septiembre en el Instituto Cervantes

El Instituto Caro y Cuervo y el Instituto Cervantes invitan al acto de celebración de los 75 años del Instituto Caro y Cuervo, que se desarrollará el martes 19 de septiembre de 2017 a las 19.00h en el Salón de actos del Instituto Cervantes en Madrid. Intervienen: D. Juan Manuel Bonet, director del Instituto Cervantes. D. Darío Villanueva, director de la Real Academia Española (RAE). D. Andrés Ordóñez, director del Centro de Estudios Mexicanos en[Leer más]

Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language Phonology (CASPSLaP) (call for papers)

Welcome to the 10th anniversary of Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language Phonology (CASPSLaP) at Indiana University, Bloomington. February 23-24, 2018. Current Approaches to Spanish and Portuguese Second Language Phonology was originally organized by faculty and graduate students of the University of Minnesota and Indiana University to provide a common forum for the community of scholars conducting research on any aspect[Leer más]

Tutor in Modern Foreign Languages

The Language Centre at the University of Bradford is seeking tutors in a variety of languages from September 2017. This is an opportunity to join an exciting new development at its launch and to work as part of a team dedicated to making this a successful and enjoyable initiative for participants. We are looking for qualified teachers of French, Spanish, German, Arabic and Chinese to deliver a beginners or low intermediate class in the language[Leer más]

Assistant Professor of Spanish

The Department of Arts, Languages, and Philosophy at Missouri University of Science and Technology invites applications for a tenure-track position in Spanish at the rank of Assistant Professor, to begin in August 2018. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate-level Spanish and Latin American Studies courses, contribute to strengthening our department’s new minor in Latin American Studies for Technical Applications, maintain an active[Leer más]

Becas doctorales de la University of Massachusetts Amherst

Cada año el programa de español y portugués de la University of Massachusetts Amherst ofrece becas para realizar los estudios de doctorado. Actualmente las becas son de 4 años para los estudiantes que lleguen con un máster y de 5 para los recién licenciados. Nuestros becarios pueden matricularse de forma gratuita en el programa de doctorado y trabajan como «Teaching Associates» del departamento, dando clases de español bajo la supervisión del[Leer más]